Scientific Enterprises Ltd

A leading company in high technology applications

Having established a 46 years active presence in the Greek market, we represent more than twenty world leading companies in the field of high technology and collaborate with many other certified firms toward high-standard objectives. (Company Profile )

With a strong belief that high technology enhances the well being of man, benefits the environment and promotes education and research, our company engages in:

  • Integration, supply and maintenance of meteorological systems
  • Design and manufacturing of special mechanical and electronic systems
  • Supply of Information systems, scientific equipment and specialized software
  • Design and manufacturing of educational laboratory equipment
  • Integration and supply of measuring - monitoring systems in the fields of meteorology, industry and research
  • Systems integration, after sales support, and maintenance of supplied systems


Scientific Enterprises was established in 1979 as a partnership between John Psihogios, Electronic Engineer, graduate of Spring Garden Institute, Pennsylvania, USA, Alexandros Karageorgos, entrepreneur and Kosmas Vogiatzoglou, Electrical Engineer, graduate of the School of Engineering and Αplied Science of Columbia University of New York, USA. In the year 1991 the company was converted to a Limited Liability Company, a form that is maintained until today.

Company HQ 

Our company is housed in a building of 1000 sq.m. in Moschato at 45, Ag. Saranta street which includes:
  • Machine shop and metal works section on the ground floor
  • Warehouse spaces for materials, spares, consumables and products on the 1st floor
  • Calibration lab, electrical - electronics service and assembly section and technical support dep. on the 4th floor
  • Administration, sales, marketing and product design departments on the 5th floor
Area Map
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εικονίδιο κτιρίου

Human Resources

The workforce of our company consists of qualified scientific, technical and administrative staff with extensive experience in high-tech systems and includes:
  • Electronic Engineers with training in USA - UK
  • Mechanical Engineers
  • Industrial Engineers
  • Software Engineers
  • Technological Education Electronics Engineers
  • Electronics Technicians
  • Machine shop Technicians
  • Administrative personnel
See the organization chart of our company here.

Quality Management Environment 

Quality Management System

Our company has established and applies a Quality Management System which is in conformance with EN ISO 9001:2015 in the scope of a) Manufacture, Sale and Servicing of low voltage and frequency electronic devices systems, scientific & educational equipment & intergrated informational systems, b) Sales and Servicing of measuring instruments for electrical, electronic & physical parameters. (Certificate )

Environmental Management System

Our company proves its environmental awareness by applying an Environmental Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 in order to improve the environmental performance of its operation and to ensure compliance with the complex environmental legislation. (Certificate )

Financial data

IRS company identification
VAT Number:EL095507066
IRS Branch:Kallitheas
GEMI ID:121598601000
ACCI ID:104871