Contact us

for imformation, questions, quotations related to our products & services

Contact form

Please enter your contact info, such as your name, phone and email into the form below and also your inquiry. By clicking the Submit button your inquiry will be sent to us and we will contact you soon. Make sure to type your email and phone correctly because it will be impossible for us to contact you otherwise. The submitted information is handled by our company according to our privacy policy.

You can also contact our company by phone at +30 2104838270 (Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. local time) or by email at info[AT]scienter[DOT]gr.

If you can't read the pin number of the image, click on it to enlarge it. NOTE: Each time you enter a wrong pin in the field below, a new pin will be generated.